Picture of Ed Baker.

I am an interdisciplinary researcher investigating how technology can be used to monitor biodiversity, in particular using bioacoustic and ecoacoustic approaches.

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Latest publications

Bioacoustic and Ecoacoustic Data in Audiovisual Core

Good practice guidelines for long-term ecoacoustic monitoring in the UK

Google Scholar


03/03/2025 - Impacts of Urban Noise

22/01/2025 - TDWG Kingston Biodiversity Network

05/12/2024 - NHM x Natural England

08/11/2024 - Digital Dimensions of Nature Recovery

05/10/2024 - BNA Encaenia

All talks


Prophalangopsis obscura

Linux audio recipes

Acoustics figures

SANE defaults

All notes

Some thoughts on:

SANE defaults

The default behaviour of functions, APIs, applications, etc is often specified or designed to be ‘sane’ - but does this actually mean? Use the SANE default acronym.


The default options should give usable and useful output for the majority of use cases. Little-used functionality is for non-default behaviours.


Align default values both internally and externally. All functions in a package should have consistent and compatible default values. If there is consistency in prevailing usage externally, follow it.


The default options should be neat and tidy. This applies whether the goal is a visualisation, data, a composition of functions, etc.


Many disciplines have expected norms. If your code reflects these disciplines then use the expected norms. Follow the principle of least surprise.