Picture of Ed Baker.

I am an interdisciplinary researcher investigating how technology can be used to monitor biodiversity, in particular using bioacoustic and ecoacoustic approaches.

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Latest publications

Good practice guidelines for long-term ecoacoustic monitoring in the UK

Google Scholar


04/09/2024 - TDWG 2024

11/07/2024 - Ecoacoustic Congress

25/06/2024 - Nature Tech Expo

24/04/2024 - How data in the cloud could help restore UK's biodiversity - AWS Summit 2024

03/2024 - Next generation monitoring at the Natural History Museum

11/2023 - UK Nature Recovery theme Town Hall

11/2023 - Garden Science workshop

All talks


Prophalangopsis obscura

Linux audio recipes

Acoustics figures

All notes

Some thoughts on:

Inverting a polynomial using R

R code to numerically find the inverse of a polynomial.

# Define a polynomial function to invert
pn <- function(x) {
  return(3*x^3 + 2*x^2)

# Generic invert() function
invert = function(fn, interval = NULL, ...){
    uniroot(function(x){fn(x)-y}, interval, ...)$root

# Inversion function specific to pn()
pn.inverse <- invert(pn, interval = c(-10, 10))

# Find the inverse for a specific value