I am an interdisciplinary researcher investigating how technology can be used to monitor biodiversity, in particular using bioacoustic and ecoacoustic approaches.
Bioacoustic and Ecoacoustic Data in Audiovisual Core
Good practice guidelines for long-term ecoacoustic monitoring in the UK
03/03/2025 - Impacts of Urban Noise
22/01/2025 - TDWG Kingston Biodiversity Network
05/12/2024 - NHM x Natural England
08/11/2024 - Digital Dimensions of Nature Recovery
Some thoughts on:
The sensor network will consist of round 25 devices measuring acoustic activity and the environment.
Sensor network philosophy - how we thought about the deisgn of a sensor network.
Sensor network install - documenting the installation of the sensor network.
More-than-human appraoches to biodiversity research are looking at how we can make urban areas more habitable for all species.
The Nature of Tech - Amazon Web Services and the Natural History Museum (2025) - discussing the use of technology in biodiversity research.
Natural History Museum’s new gardens aim to restore UK’s urban nature New Scientist (2024)